Politicians and politics generally have suffered a lack of respect in the last decade, which to those, who care and have lived through the guardianship of many famous Prime Ministers, regret and could never have foretold. There are still some in Parliament and Stormont who work hard and act with dignity, but the main scenario seems to be theatre. When an MLA, in an almost empty chamber, screams ‘Point of Order’ like some woman gutting fish in a Victorian drama, and then harangues in crescendo, only to be told it isn’t a point of order; when our leader, and the one in waiting, in Parliament shout at one another and tap the dispatch box ad nauseam, we know it is because they are on camera. We also can guess that their relationship in the corridors, in office and maybe the tearoom will be friendly and courteous. Usually there are few members present in Parliament, but on Wednesdays, it is unable to seat all wishing to be seen on camera waving order papers and snarling at the opposition, Do they think we are idiots? I suppose they should be allowed ‘playtime’ to let off steam, but is it wise to let the electorate see this charade? It is our fault, of course, the speed of living gives little time for speculation and what free time we have is probably spent in front of one screen or another. The constant changes in policy, u-turns, and lies, together with the repetitive harassment by the Media, have deadened the senses of the electorate. It is a sorry day they opened the chambers to the cameras.