Take a glance at this

Off and on for quite a long time I have had trouble both with not having a steady broadband, instead it kept crashing when I was half through ordering online, which turned out in the end to be expensive because I was ordering twice. By the same token, I was getting what some people refer… Continue reading Take a glance at this


>From the cradle we take general companionship for granted, as part of life, nothing special, in fact we don’t even think about it at all. There are circumstances in which association, and indeed friendship, has a very special significance. These are generally if one is taken out of one’s own environment and transferred to something… Continue reading Companionship

I have had a serious problem

You might have had the same problem, I couldn’t understand how David Cameron could suddenly get into a brand-new job, almost the top job in the country, and still be able to wander about, in and out of schools and all sorts of places, presumably including his constituency, smiling all the time, and using the… Continue reading I have had a serious problem

Some of us are obsessed

It is not the little people, the young, the elderly, the handicapped, and the impecunious, it is those in big business, rushing for the latest technology, without any thought of the effects their decisions will have on those I’ve mentioned above. It seems to me as a result of my own experience that nobody wants… Continue reading Some of us are obsessed

A hung Parliament

Ever since we were made aware of the duplicity of Tony Blair, I have been preaching that the safest way to go was with a hung parliament, which takes more time to come to decisions, but at least those decisions are not the decision of one person. What is obvious now is that more than… Continue reading A hung Parliament


Such a silly word for something that I find unnecessary and objectionable. I remember years ago there was a saying running around, ‘if it ain’t bust don’t fix it’. There was also another saying that I think came from Lancashire,’ You get owt for nowt’, meaning there is no such thing as a free lunch.… Continue reading Updates

It is late enough as it is

I am talking about compensation for those people, caught up in the problem created by the dust storm created by the Iceland volcano. Firstly, the people affected are mainly in Northern Europe. Secondly, if the experts are not able to predict accurately how the cloud will perform, how can the passengers, and the aircraft organizations… Continue reading It is late enough as it is