Finding a Career

With people losing their jobs, and in another six months, hundreds of youngsters coming on to the labour market, it made me think back over the years of careers that I have had, and how most of them were derived through circumstance rather than any careful choice. In all, I have had seven careers, and… Continue reading Finding a Career

What goes around comes around, and a plea from the heart

I shall soon be approaching the point where, with help from my grandson, I shall be rehashing the blog and removing a lot of the articles. It will then be divided into two parts, the biographical information which I believe is what interests most people, together with essays on things that interest me, and less… Continue reading What goes around comes around, and a plea from the heart

Tips, backsheesh

If you are in a hurry, and want to discover what prompted this post, then I suggest you cut to the final paragraph. I have always had a dislike of tipping. I first came across it in the 30s, when I discover that the father of a friend of mine was a floor manager in… Continue reading Tips, backsheesh


Advertising I have written about advertising on a number of occasions, especially last May when I berated the advertisers for insulting our intelligence, because so many were using puppets to mouth their messages, for the sake of economy. I now find it very interesting that large companies are advertising more, and I personally believe the… Continue reading Advertising