The row between the PM and the Foreign Office Minister, Lord Malloch-Brown, over helicopters, caused me to think about loyalty. I have worked in about 10 different vocations, from hairdressing at 15, through the armed services, engineering and consultancy, and looking back I can’t remember a single case where loyalty within the workforce, and between… Continue reading Loyalty and respect.
Appalling commonsense in Westminster
On a number of occasions I have recently been wittering on about the fact that the government and local authorities assume, inaccurately, that more people have access to the Internet than is really the case. They are now doing it about information concerning Swine Flu. Certainly the information on the Internet is interesting, sensible and… Continue reading Appalling commonsense in Westminster
Too many cowboys
I get the impression that because we have so many people at the top of government, which includes Mandelson, constantly at the PM’s shoulder, that there is confusion among the civil servants as to whose orders they are to obey, and as I suspect the orders are coming as a result of panic, thick and… Continue reading Too many cowboys
Not so much stupid as ignorant
In effect, this is an apology to my MP, Lady Sylvia Hermon, and Margaret Ritchie, MLA, Minister for Social Development, in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Recently, on more than one occasion, I have written about the qualities of the Citizens Advice Bureau, while berating the advertisements for financial assistance so prevalent on television. My problem… Continue reading Not so much stupid as ignorant
Constructive criticism and sniping
A day or so ago there was a piece on the TV news which implied that the Government was re-evaluating its approach to the way in which the banks were run, prior to the Crunch, and were bringing in more rules and specifications. I was always amazed that the government didn’t treat the banks as… Continue reading Constructive criticism and sniping
It is essential I carry a knife
What is more I could even be carrying a gun. It’s all to do with the plastic that they encapsulate my food in. I’m standing there struggling, salivating, and going nowhere in trying to open the goodies. Instead of getting England’s Strongest Man to test the security of a plastic container, they should get me,… Continue reading It is essential I carry a knife
Information and vocabulary
I started my IT skills with the BBC computer, and have been advancing slowly but steadily ever since. With time the amount of information available has become so extraordinarily vast and complex, that it is only those who surf the Net regularly who can find things easily. Due to my immobility, and the fact that… Continue reading Information and vocabulary
Stimulating vistas within the mind
There is a dichotomy in government outpourings. Soon they are bringing out a White Paper on the prognosticated, future cost of the elderly to the national budget., suggesting they will live to be a hundred years old. Concurrently they are spending millions on advertising the effects of obesity, and other reasons for staying healthy, which… Continue reading Stimulating vistas within the mind
The era of bad taste
It seems that anything goes in this battle of the parties, fighting an ephemeral election, before it has been called, when the public have never been so apathetic and so terribly incensed at politics. The politicians seem to forget that decorum is the one thing that the public seeks in its representatives, and when it… Continue reading The era of bad taste
Loophole in Ministers statement.
Andrew Marr, questioned Ed Miliband, Minister for Global Warning, about the future on television, this Sunday morning, and asked about all the effects which would contribute to global warming in the future, and what was being done about them. In the question Marr included both transportation and the flying in of food from abroad. The… Continue reading Loophole in Ministers statement.