If we can’t trace where all the money that was stolen went to, let alone by whom, there is every chance that the same thing can happen again without redress, without discovery, and certainly without regulation.
The Legals and Advertising
When I was young the local pecking order started with the clergy, next came the doctor, then the solicitor if we were lucky enough to have one. Local, national and international politics were on the backburner because we were all suffering a stultifying apathy after the First World War. So you’ll forgive me if I… Continue reading The Legals and Advertising
Some pertinent questions, perhaps.
There is a bank run by people certain of their own invincibility, who buy up other banks run by similar nutters, making crazy gambles, dishing out bonuses and incredible pensions, and when the balloon goes up, our government hands them vast sums of our money, which they hoard, for a rainy day, instead of helping… Continue reading Some pertinent questions, perhaps.
A Pleb’s view of an MP
I say Pleb to underline the fact that this is uneducated reasoning to understand the requirements of Members of Parliament, and basically how the system works. Have you ever thought about the process of becoming an MP, and what it entails to that individual? You would think that when they are seeking a suitable candidate… Continue reading A Pleb’s view of an MP
The need foran unbiased regulator
I have previously written about the fact that the credit crunch has spawned a large number of advisers and businesses allegedly aimed at helping those in financial difficulty. At the time I praised the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), remarking that it was time that the government increased its funding as I assumed… Continue reading The need foran unbiased regulator
There are two things that are required to make a blog successful, one is that it is essential that what you write has a bearing on reality, is interesting, and succinct. The second is never to write for the sake of writing. In other words, reticence. This was brought to mind by a serious accident… Continue reading Reticence
An open letter to the Ulster Unionist Party
I am posting this letter on my website, but I do not expect they will read it, but perhaps someone who thinks it is valid might draw their attention to it. I write, not as a politician, or a political analyst, but merely someone who has spent more than 60 years as an adult in… Continue reading An open letter to the Ulster Unionist Party
Is some we are told make-believe?
It is essential when writing a blog that the level of your experience is made clear so that those reading the blog will not be fooled into thinking that you’re an expert on what you’re discussing. What I write here now would shock my nephew, who is a botanist, with alphabet soup after his name,… Continue reading Is some we are told make-believe?
Trust is now a fragile concept
After I reread the post that I wrote at three o’clock this morning I realised that not only can we not trust anything at all today, but, if one is exceptionally cynical, one can draw conclusions that are horrendous. Firstly I realised that it is pointless to act on anything this government says, firstly, because… Continue reading Trust is now a fragile concept
It’s Cloud Cuckoo Land
It seems, people are paying £2500 for a dodgy ticket, for the possibility of sitting cheek by jowl with somebody with swine flu, in a temperature of 33° C, their heads going from side to side, and they call this ‘pleasure’. It was predictable, that we would be in the mess we are when they… Continue reading It’s Cloud Cuckoo Land