Are Presedents for real?

After a lot of thought, but not a great deal of research, I express my views on government leadership. What has become evident is that it doesn’t matter how weak or strong the head of the government is, either the Prime Minister or a President, if those behind him are not cohesive and strong, then… Continue reading Are Presedents for real?

Stop! For pity’s sake, Stop!

I am referring to this daily diet of politics, in spite of the fact that I am also another one at it. I have already written my objection to politicians having others write their speeches, because I believe they should all be forced to write their own, if nothing else, so that what they say… Continue reading Stop! For pity’s sake, Stop!

Categorized as General

The Ulster Unionist is sacrificed on the alter of self-agrandisement

On May the second this year, on this blog, I predicted that the proposed changes in the Unionist party, inaugurated by David Cameron, would lead to the Unionists having minimal representation. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to work that out, but it is a fact that it has happened. I don’t blame the electorate,… Continue reading The Ulster Unionist is sacrificed on the alter of self-agrandisement

Ignorance is no excuse

There’s a hackneyed phrase from the Bible that says ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do.’ I think this applies in the current government crisis, where everybody is shrieking for change, not only in Westminster, but in the EU and Local Government, yet they have not got an idea of the cost in… Continue reading Ignorance is no excuse

A hairbrained idea that might just work.

Lateral thinking concerning Parliamentary elections, prompted this, and the way government, local government and advertising’ promulgate their information, on the assumption that everybody is on the Internet. It creates a two-tier system where some are disadvantaged. We have all seen it. The cleansing department no longer posts its arrangements through the letterbox, but relies on… Continue reading A hairbrained idea that might just work.