06.04.08, The Scourge of Mammon

I am writing about a specific case, but it doesn’t mean we don’t all know of those selfish people who, without respect for the outcome, scrabble, possibly cheat, and certainly can ruin not only the economy of individuals, but the economy of a country. I remember there was a man, I forget his name, who… Continue reading 06.04.08, The Scourge of Mammon

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02.04.08, Prime Ministers, Plus

I wonder if all prime ministers today are as pigheaded as the last two we have had, who make parlous decisions without the money to support them, ignore the real professionals, the highly trained people at the workface, and go ahead, willy-nilly, with their own agendas. Blair’s agenda was his ego, he thought he had… Continue reading 02.04.08, Prime Ministers, Plus

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29.03.08, Is Regretion All Bad?

I’m referring to the way the Green Machine is changing our lifestyle, and ever more will change our lives. The problem I have with it is that it is not being applied rationally but more as a political football, the means of drawing attention to the person rather than the problem, and is so selective… Continue reading 29.03.08, Is Regretion All Bad?

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24.03.08, The Green Machine

I’m heartily sick of being badgered day and daily, to save the world. I suppose because I am writing this, I am also badgering, but I hope that I am treading slightly newer ground, and putting a more considered approach to the problem, than an awful lot of the stuff we are asked to swallow,… Continue reading 24.03.08, The Green Machine

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